Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memories for Matinees

Memorial Day weekend in Seattle.
I asked myself repeatedly why I didn't spend more time here last fall. Seatts was just as beautiful as when I left in October. This time I got to check out a beautiful city park, Gasworks Park and also I got to revisit my mountain muse, Mt. Rainier. I got to run around Green Lake and hit up my peruvian/norweigian/slightly chinese sister Whitney for a homecooked meal too. All this with a nice young fellow from Massachusetts who kindly agreed to be my driver and drinking buddy.
Roquet, croquet, wicket...shit, let's just hit the darn things.

Stensrud has form.

"Oh my those margaritas just slide down so easily"

Lawn croquet gets serious.
(Whitney's mom blew us young, arrogant assholes out of the water)

Eggplant Parm on Whitney's deck.

Mt Rainier National Park

Damieno is fantasizing about winning a stage at Giro...

Mt Rainier from Paradise...damn she's purdy. I'm standing next to tree tops, thats how much schnee there was!


Callahan teaches me how to play bones in a caboose-turn-bar outside of Rainier.

Seattle Grey Hairs.

Seattle Art Museum Sculpture Garden

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