Sunday, August 24, 2008

Solo on Mount Si

A local favorite hike, Mount Si
4 miles to summit

Thank goodness for the ol' timer button

Looking out over Snoqualmie Valley

Watchin' the storm clouds roll in

I think I see my dad

Left Arm Photography, Inc.

My ass hurts already and it's only been a few hours since I got home.

Tommorrow is going to suck.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Some Racing Some Stopping

Northern peninsula, Washington State
(and some musical references for the astute reader)

Easy Morning Rebel

Early morning start on a ferry, a Seattle experience

Lost Coastlines

Ozette Trail

Cheaper Than Therapy

Lolling about on the coast, searching for the perfect pebble

Dark Leaves Form a Thread

A peculiar trail of faces cut into leaves discovered along the Ozette Trail. More to come...

Please Visit Your National Parks

Cape Flattery, the northwesternmost point in the contiguous US

The musical references:

The title of the post Some Racing Some Stopping is from a great album from a C-U band, the Headlights

"Easy Morning Rebel" is from My Morning Jacket It Still Moves

"Lost Coastlines" is from Okkervil River, The Stand-Ins

"Cheaper Than Therapy" is from Rogue Wave, Asleep at Heaven's Gate

"Dark Leaves Form a Thread" is by Destroyer, Trouble in Dreams

Please Visit Your National Parks is from Oxford Collapse

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Charm Offensive

Big and Tall

Lifeguards on Green Lake

Sonic Boom Records, Seattle

I work across the street from this

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Grande Drip with Room

The lady behind the counter at Starbucks replied, "I'm sorry what did you say?" when I asked for a small black coffee. I learned from the man behind me in line that I should have said, "A grande drip with room, please". It ain't no cup o' joe here in Seattle. I haven't had time for the sites, but here' s what I've got so far...

My Digs! Casa de Stensrud overlooking Green Lake

The 29th Olympiad. Opening ceremony at Stensrud Stadium

Delegates from Cuba, Nauru, the Marshall Islands and the Chinese Greece descend upon Beijing

Friday, August 8, 2008

Goodbye Chicago

This is really only a temporary goodbye. I spent my last weekend in Chicago at Lollapalooza with great bands and indispensible friends.

I got to apply the bear hug to one of my favorite singers, Will Sheff of Okkervil River.

And then off I went to Seattle...