And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as long as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
-Robert Frost
The sun is setting on my time in Seattle. I have a hair under two weeks to go but it was my last weekend with my Norweigian seester, Whitney and so I'm feeling it. She hosted her annual Croquet party, but mother nature would have it otherwise. Summer has left and the rain has come, en force. So reluctantly the good people of the party put down the mallets and piled into the kitchen and drank margaritas while sampling Seattle, Chicago and Chili dogs.
The end of my Seattle stay is giving me a sense of urgency. I'm cramming together 5 shows in two weeks. It kicked off with my boys, Okkervil River at the Showbox Theater. Okkervil River may be the consummate rock band. Lead singer Will Sheff is an artist who has been able to harness a talent and bring it into full realization under the right set of circumstances. I am haunted, inexplicably drawn to them, over and over again.
The Showbox in Seattle is like the big brother to Chicago's historic Green Mill - Art Deco on a grander scale.

a fuzzy Will Sheff of Okkervil River

The mexican tatoo and hot dog graphics, the many talents of Whitney